Equality Act 2010 Recognition
The Galldris Board of Directors and Senior Managers acknowledge the key concepts of the Equality Act 2010 as being the recognition of ‘protected characteristics’ (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation) which legally should not become a facilitator of ‘direct’, ‘indirect’ or ‘combined’ discrimination, which is recognised as a form of prohibited conduct.
Positive Equality Duties
With reference to the positive equality duties Galldris understands that some situations allow steps to be taken to help certain disadvantaged groups, which is referred to as ‘positive action’. Within our own business we would seek to carry out positive action during various work-related activities including: employment and recruitment, handling of sickness procedures, social events, calendar events (religious and non-religious practices) and company entertainment amongst others.